Friday, December 27, 2019

The Revolution of 1848 and Karl Marxs The Communist...

The Revolution of 1848 and Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto There were two major things that happened in Europe in 1848. One of those things was the Revolution of 1848. The other was the publication of the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx. The Revolution of 1848, and the Communist Manifesto tie into each other very well. The Revolution was calling for a change in society, and so was Marx through the writing of his Manifesto. The revolution was a foundation for changes to take place in Europe. Due to the Revolution, socialism and communism began to rise. The Revolution of 1848 affected much of Europe. Almost all of the countries in Europe with the exception of England and Russia were involved in†¦show more content†¦This paper caused problems with many of the people in France in 1848. France did not enter the Revolution of 1848 for the same reasons that other countries in Europe did. In France at that time equality before law was no longer an issue. The struggle for France then became centered on property qualifications. People in France wanted property and also better working conditions. There were a few major ideas or movements that became increasingly popular in Europe in 1848. These ideas were very important in the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx with the help of Frederick Engels. The first idea was socialism, which could be defined as: â€Å"an economic system based on collective ownership of the means of production, economic planning, and the equal distribution of goods and services.† In this new way of thinking, agriculture and manufacturing satisfied essentially all of humans wants and needs. According to the Manifesto, this new economic structure would lead to a shift in ownership of production from the bourgeois to the proletariat party. There would be no longer be a need for any set positions or responsibilities. Instead, there would be an emergence of the working class. The bourgeois and the proletariat were the two major parties in much of Europe at the time. In 1848, the bourgeois was the party that ruled. They were the capitalist party. The proletariat party was the working class. The bourgeoisShow MoreRelatedThe Great Philosophies From The 19th Century1386 Words   |  6 Pagesfrom the 19th century was Karl Marx. The German native born May 5 1818 was known for his works as not only a philosopher but an economist, journalist revolutionary socialist and sociologist. Marx’s different varieties of work influenced his understanding of society and and the economy during his time period. Once Marx got older, he moved to London England where he progressed his ideas and even collaborate with Friedrich Engels with whom he published numerous works. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Crisis Of Officer Involved Shootings - 2594 Words

The Crisis of Officer-Involved Shootings Each year law enforcement officers throughout the county are involved in shootings, some of them fatal. Frequently the shootings are reported by the media, which exploits the feelings of the victim while ignoring the effect of the shooting on the police officer. It is â€Å"estimated that approximately 87 percent of all emergency service personnel will experience a critical incident at least once in their career, which include officer-involved shootings† (Kureczka, 2002, p. 18). Officer-involved shootings have a profound effect on not only the officer involved but also their spouses, families, and the departments they serve. Law enforcement officers that are involved in officer-involved shootings need support and assistance such as critical incident stress debriefing and sometimes long-term trauma recover therapy in order to cope and live successful lives beyond the critical incident of the shooting. Critical incident stress results from the crisis of a critical event such as a death of a loved one, a traumatic incident, or an officer-involved shooting. A crisis for an individual is defined as â€Å"the perception or experiencing of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms† (James Gilliland, 2013, p. 8). For a law enforcement officer, â€Å"Mitchell (1991) said that a critical incident is one in which the officer’s expectations of perfect performance suddenly areShow MoreRelatedA Report On The Albuquerque Police Department1502 Words   |  7 Pageswhich hasn’t been proven. Many individuals argue that shooting dangerous suspects is necessary for the police to do their jobs adequately and to protect themselves, which isn’t the case in every situation. Some departments within the Albuquerque Police Department are in need of reform to prevent the number of fatal police shootings within the city.The Albuquerque Police Department would highly benef it from reforms geared toward their officers’ training. It’s clear that there is a problem within theRead MoreReducing Police Shootings: A Look at Albuquerque Police Department Shootings974 Words   |  4 Pagespolice using excessive force and how does this ratio of shootings in Albuquerque compare to other cities in similar size and population? The fallout shows the sides of two groups of people who believe they are in the right. The activists against police involved shootings believe that the officers of Albuquerque react to situations with deadly force too often and necessitate changes. The supporters of the police force believe that the shootings are higher in Albuquerque because suspects in the areaRead MorePolice Shooting Has Become A Huge Issue Across The United1240 Words   |  5 PagesPolice shooting has become a huge issue across The United States. Community will usually become outraged if the shooting was committed by a white or black cop who shoots an d kills a black subject. Protests seem to follow in areas where the police force is predominantly white and the suspect is black. Regardless of rather or not the officer is right or wrong. This started a huge conflict of rather or not the shooting was done due to racism. These conflicts affect the communities the shootings happenRead MoreLaw Enforcement Interactions With The Mentally Ill Community1674 Words   |  7 Pagessuch as cuts on long-term psychiatric beds, improvements in treatments and the philosophy of integration (Adelman, 2003). Which leads to mentally ill people living in the community, which leads to increase crisis and police interaction because of insufficient funding. Existing community-based crisis response services are not well unified and are limited, especially in rural areas. General hospital-based emergency services can also be difficult to access because of bed reductions, and only offer treatmentRead MoreIn Our Ever-Changing World, Mankind Has Always B een Concerned1389 Words   |  6 Pages that, police officers should not be dealing with mentally ill people. It can be seen that there has been a link between police departments and mental situations throughout our history. In this paper I am going to be analyzing why police officers lack training when dealing with mentally ill people. Furthermore, I am going to argue that Police officers lack of training with handling disputes with those with mental health issues. There have been many incidences where police officers interact with personsRead MoreHurricane Katrin A Horrific Day For The City Of New Orleans1605 Words   |  7 Pageslook for the government and police department for help. However, organizations like Federal Emergency Agency (FEMA) were nowhere to found during this disaster. The police did try to do their part in helping the city recover, but some officers did not. Some officers murder and harmed innocent civilians, who were just trying to ask for help. I don’t agree with on how the New Orleans Police Department(NOPD) their job during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina since they were covering up a murder theyRead MoreA Report On Police Brutality1367 Words   |  6 PagesPeople are left wondering if the police are doing the jobs they were appointed to do under the law. They act in ways such as the use of guns and pepper sprays to intimidate civilians, racial profiling, false arrests, severe beatings, unjustified shootings , police corruption and even sexual abuse among others (King). The truth of the matter is that such incidents usually go un-noticed and worse of unreported. Police brutality is an issue of contention given that they have the authority to apply forceRead MoreSynopsis Of A Weather Watcher Shines Bright Red Above Minneapolis / Saint Paul s Skyline782 Words   |  4 Pagespeople living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). They are also two representative examples of people who have the potential to come into contact with a police officer or another emergency response team during a crisis. An officer or 1st responder may respond to a simple welfare check for an elderly veteran, or the officer maybe called to intervene in a more complex case of situational domestic violence. While clinicians and therapists have made strides in mental health crises, little hasRead MoreThe Power of Police Essay1541 Words   |  7 Pagestoleration of minor law violations by the police will lead to more serious crime on the force. And that is precisely what has happened. To justify a stop under the Supreme Courts Terry decision, a police officer must have a reasonable suspicion of some wrongdoing. In determining reasonableness, an officer must be able to point to specific and articulable facts that warrant the governmental intrusion; reliance on inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or [a] hunch is not permissible. FurthermoreRead MoreCrisis, Emergency Response and Plan1663 Words   |  7 PagesCrisis and Emergency Response This section specifies procedures for various emergency situations, including accidents that occur between school and environmental emergencies, fires, natural disasters, medical emergencies, and school intruders. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Case Study Review Analyses Of Patient Farouq †

Question: Discuss about the Case Study Review Analyses Of Patient Farouq. Answer: Introduction The case study review analyses Patient Farouq, 75 years old admitted and diagnosed with severe sepsis with Pneumococcal presentation. He has been administered on IV solution, antibiotics management and pain reliever drugs. He has presented shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing on 24 hours post admission. X-ray scan has revealed pneumonia on the lower lobe. The patient is smoking 2 packs per day; also he has portrayed chronic bronchitis with current medication being on ventolin and Atrovent. Pathogenesis of the condition Sepsis is termed as a life threatening condition which causes organ dysfunction linked to dys-regulation of the host responses, infections and septic shocks. It is profound in circulatory, cellular and metabolic abnormalities with higher risks of mortality among casualties, (Singer et al, 2016). Sepsis occurrence globally is common problem with an estimate of 270 ( 95% CI176-412) cases per 100,000 persons. Incidence associated with mortality is often high. With conditions such as pneumonia leads to an acute infection to the lungs similar to the case study patient, (Fleischmann et al, 2016). Sepsis occurs as a septic shock which results from an infection in the body caused by various infections like pneumonia. Pneumonia condition can be communal acquired, indicating that any person can acquire in the community setting outside hospital environment. At times it can also be caused by health care associated infections which statistics estimate to be associated to contraction by different persons in the treatment processes, (Shankar et al, 2016). Severe sepsis and septic shock often result in infections anywhere in the body system. The statistics indicate that one third of those suffering from sepsis die, while the survivors are leftnursing life threatening conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder, fatigue, dysfunction of the organ, organ amputations and chronic pain, (Fleischmann et al, 2016). Prevalent source of sepsis infection is pneumonia, it is an infection located in the lungs. Occasionally it can affect both lungs, however in the case study; left lobe of lungs is affected. Indicative symptoms are fever, phlegm cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, fatigue, chest pain, shaking pills and even sweating, (Churpek et al, 2015). Globally, pneumonia affects approximately 400,000 people, with it being the leading cause of infection. Patients having poor prognosis like in the case study can end up developing sepsis, leading to life threatening state, with the progression of the sepsis severity, (Stevenson et al, 2014). Persons at risk of developing pneumonia sepsis include the elderly, people with history of cold or influenza, smokers, respiratory diseases patients, toxins exposure. The symptoms highlighted above depict those of the case study patient. The patient is smoking an average of 2 packets per day and has chronic bronchitis illustrating a condition prevalent which predisposes him further for pneumonia sepsis infection. Predisposing factors to the patient is the presence of lung disease in this case, chronic bronchitis and smoking habit. There are dramatic structural changes which support the inflammation of the lungs which supports the severe sepsis condition. Further old age is a factor for the patient. Older persons have greater risks of high burden of sepsis which gives the patient worst outcomes such as the care given of oxygen support care, (Kaukonen et al, 2014). Old age sate for the patient is characterised by lowered levels of immunity referred to immunosenescence, which is a life threatening and affects how the immune system function and targets any occurring inflammation. The functioning of neutrophil for the patient has declined due to age and smoking factors which makes the functioning ability not to reach the source of infection in the lungs and clear the sepsis infection. This deterioration is further lowered with chronic bronchitis and the occurrence of pneumonia during the sepsis emergence leading to immunopheresis, leading to failure of neutrophils to combat severe sepsis infection, (Prescott et al, 2014). Medication protocols for sepsis management falls under two categories; bacterial and viral infections. Bacterial infection is often treated with antibiotics management. The patient in the case study is already on chronic bronchitis medication now coupled with pneumococcal sepsis the patient has to undergo further strong medication to treat the pneumococcal sepsis infection. In viral infection, not much treatment is recommended, however patient shaving this kind of sepsis are often advised to take rest and fluid rich diet in order to maintain hydration status, (Aalen et al, 2014). Nursing priority in severe sepsis with Pneumonia Nursingpriority for the patient is geared to address lessening the immune response, prevention of cellular death, resolving infection, decrease in cellular oxygen with deprivation and build up of lactic acid and ensuring there is maximum cardiac output for the patient. A highnursing priority for the nurse is to ensure that patient is stabilized so as to respond to treatment. In the case study a high nursing priority entails; Reducing pain and reducing breathing difficulty for the patient. Objective strategy includes; Maintenance of normal body temperature Maintaining cardiac output Prevention of infection Ensuring smooth flow of oxygen using the machine aiding system. Rationale Ensuring prompt lab assessments is essential in ensuring diagnosis of sepsis and treatment process is maintained. As a nurse it is key to ensure that drawing of lab analysis is geared towards evaluation of treatment process. Assessment, monitoring of cardiac output is often compromised in sepsis case. As a nurse there is need for careful consideration on how to treat is key. Some patients may require more fluid or vasopressors or even both. Assesment, monitoring and supporting oxygen status for the patient is key. Supporting the patient with oxygen support is crucial. In sepsis state, oxygen delivery and supply is often impaired, thus a nurse, assessment of ABGs and SpO2 is key to the patient. Prevention of infection to the patient is paramount; heated inflammatory is being experience by the patient. Thus asepsis is key for this patient with particular care for pneumonia sepsis management for the patient. Assessment and monitoring of body temperature for the patient is key in ensuring that maintenance is stabilized. Fluctuation of body temperature often accompanied pneumococcal patients. Thus regular assessment for the patient is key towards managing overall pain and improving breathing process for the patient. Analysis of Arterial Blood Gas results Arterial blood gas assessment is beneficial in nursing care as it helps in assessment of oxygenation status and assessment of shock or not. Ph component measures hydrogen ions in the body. The normal ph is often achieved through buffering actions and excretion of acids. Hydrogens are regulated in the ventilation state. If the buffering action and excretion is over whelmed, then the acids are continuously excreted. When the functioning of CO2 is compromised, then respiratory acidosis occurs. In the patient status, the ph is low signifying, the inability of excretion of CO2 in the body, (Bruno Valenti, 2012). Normally hydrogens are excreted from the kidneys while the carbon dioxide is excreted by the lungs. For the patient there is an overload in the lungs thus limiting CO2 gas, thus creating an acidosis environment, (Smith, 2010). Partial pressure assessment is utilized in measuring the quantity of molecules in any particular gas. Which reflect the amount of gas which contributes to any specific total pressure. Normal breathing for humans is at a pressure of 100kPa with oxygen contributing to 21% of the 100kPa, this corresponds to the partial pressure of 21 kPa, (Koeppen, 2009). For the patient the partial pressure of oxygen 55 mmHg higher lower than the reference values, signifying that there is low output pressure of oxygen in a mixture while that of carbon dioxide is 56mmHg is higher than the references values at 56mmHg, signifying that the number of molecules of both oxygen and carbon dioxide is compromised due to the sepsis sate of the patient. The sepsis infection has affected the functioning of the lungs coupled with bronchi infection in the patient. Base excess signifies the amount of bases which is required to be added or removed from substance in order to achieve normal ph status of 7.40. Variations form the normal ranges of -2 to +2 mEq/L is indicative of acidosis or alkalosis, (Ghosh, 2006). For the patient, there is normal range of base excess with the values of -2mmol/L. Bicarbonate state is determined by kidney functionality and acts as a buffering agent in order to maintain normal pH status. The amount of Bicarbonate in the patient is 24mmol/L showing normal state. Decrease in bicarbonate levels signifies fall on ions used to buffer the acid content, (Sigh, Khatana Gupta, 2013). Lactate production signifies a byproduct of anaerobic production. Increased levels of lactate are caused by process which leads to tissues to utilize anaerobic respiration. It indicates poor tissue perfusion state. The patient has significantly high levels of lactate content signifying poor perfusion state leading to its production in anaerobic respiration, (Kurtz et al, 2008). Thus the ABG analysis reflects severe state of the lung functioning due to the presence of sever sepsis with pneumonia state. The fluctuating levels of the various components depict severe sepsis state by the patient. Carefully interpretation and application of appropriate nursing care priorities to support the ABG status so as to improve medication process for the patient. References Aalen, O. O., Valberg, M., Grotmol, T., Tretli, S. (2014). Understanding variation in disease risk: the elusive concept of frailty. International journal of epidemiology, 44(4), 1408-1421. Bruno, C. M., Valenti, M. (2012). Acid-base disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a pathophysiological review. BioMed Research International, 2012. Churpek, M. M., Zadravecz, F. J., Winslow, C., Howell, M. D., Edelson, D. P. (2015). Incidence and prognostic value of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and organ dysfunctions in ward patients. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 192(8), 958-964. Fleischmann, C., Scherag, A., Adhikari, N. K., Hartog, C. S., Tsaganos, T., Schlattmann, P., ... Reinhart, K. (2016). Assessment of global incidence and mortality of hospital-treated sepsis. Current estimates and limitations. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 193(3), 259-272. Ghosh AK; Diagnosing acid-base disorders. J Assoc Physicians India. 2006 Sep54:720-4. Kaukonen, K. M., Bailey, M., Suzuki, S., Pilcher, D., Bellomo, R. (2014). Mortality related to severe sepsis and septic shock among critically ill patients in Australia and New Zealand, 2000-2012. Jama, 311(13), 1308-1316. Koeppen BM; The kidney and acid-base regulation. Adv Physiol Educ. 2009 Dec33(4):275-81. doi: 10.1152/advan.00054.2009. Kurtz, I., Kraut, J., Ornekian, V., Nguyen, M. K. (2008). Acid-base analysis: a critique of the Stewart and bicarbonate-centered approaches. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 294(5), F1009-F1031. Prescott, H. C., Langa, K. M., Liu, V., Escobar, G. J., Iwashyna, T. J. (2014). Increased 1-year healthcare use in survivors of severe sepsis. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 190(1), 62-69. Shankar-Hari, M., Phillips, G. S., Levy, M. L., Seymour, C. W., Liu, V. X., Deutschman, C. S., ... Singer, M. (2016). Developing a new definition and assessing new clinical criteria for septic shock: for the Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3). Jama, 315(8), 775-787. Singer, M., Deutschman, C. S., Seymour, C. W., Shankar-Hari, M., Annane, D., Bauer, M., ... Hotchkiss, R. S. (2016). The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (sepsis-3). Jama, 315(8), 801-810. Singh, V., Khatana, S., Gupta, P. (2013). Blood gas analysis for bedside diagnosis. National journal of maxillofacial surgery, 4(2), 136-136. Smith, R. J., Reid, D. A., Delaney, E. F., Santamaria, J. D. (2010). Fluid therapy using a balanced crystalloid solution and acid-base stability after cardiac surgery. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 12(4), 235. Stevenson, E. K., Rubenstein, A. R., Radin, G. T., Wiener, R. S., Walkey, A. J. (2014). Two decades of mortality trends among patients with severe sepsis: a comparative meta-analysis. Critical care medicine, 42(3), 625.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Big Bang by Rock Mafia free essay sample

Starring: Kevin Zegers Miley Cyrus The video begins with Kevin standing in a parking garage, sketching a graveyard. He begins to hear ghostly voices asking him if he misses her. He looks up and sees Miley drive up and look at him. He flashes back to a day on the beach and when he returns to that moment in time, he sees Miley drive off, only to be hit by a car. Kevin runs to make sure she is alright and finds the car abandoned. So begins the chase of a lifetime. Kevin begins to follow his beloved around town, while every so often flashing back to the same day at the beach. Each time he comes close enough to touch Miley it seems she vanishes into thin air only to be found elsewhere a little while later. I found the premise to this music video to be slightly confusing and slightly intriguing. We will write a custom essay sample on The Big Bang by Rock Mafia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As I watched, I found myself repetitively thinking, This would be an amazing premise for a movie(Maybe Ill start work on that.) The only problem I saw? Well, duh! Miley Cyrus. Actually she wasnt too badwhen she was moving. When she would look at Kevin, attempting sexiness, it was obvious she was trying to be sexy, which really just made her look dumb. I wasnt at all annoyed by her during the chase scenes or even the club scene (Shocking! It was *gasp* clean!), but when she found herself trying to be seductive or sexy, she was extremely irritating. If you can ignore that (which I can), The Big Bang was a pretty entertaining, intriguing music video. Many debates have gone out about what the story behind the music video is. Was Rock Mafia trying to tell the story of lost love? Or of a love to come? Well, my personal opinion is that its the story of lost love. The flash backs seem to be memories; most times wheneither in movies, TV shows or music videostheres a dream or fantasy, theres usually no question about the fact that its a dream; this leads me to believe that The Big Bang is the story of a lost love. Rock Mafia didnt appear once throughout the video, but since I havent scene any of their other music videos, I cant really comment on that. The message behind the song I also cant comment on. Im quite confused about this and have no desire to dig deeper if there is any chance of my finding the lyrics to be perverted. It was an entertaining and catchy song, but that is all I will say on that topic. I give this video four and a half out of five stars, and the song, three just for confusion. But good job, Rock Mafia!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Frequent Shopper Program Essay Example

The Frequent Shopper Program Paper The Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler fine foods has three last main projects to talk about. These subjects are Quality assurance process and procedures to ensure the functionality and performance requirements are met. Testing procedures to ensure the application is operational at all levels including program, network, systems, and interfaces. The last main project to talk about is Implementation steps and procedures necessary to achieve operational status. After these topics, this will conclude our session for the Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler Fine Foods. Quality Kudler Fine Foods has one important topic to talk about and this is Quality. Kudler Fine Foods initiating for the program in quality to track the shopping habits at the individual shopper’s level. Shopper purchase habits will help Kudler Fine Foods improve their processes. This will also help improve their offerings to best offer the values of all the valued shoppers. Most people are worried about price and not the quality. Price is not the primary differentiating factor for Kudler consumers; these consumers are focused on quality and finding specialized items. Therefore, rather than providing everyday discounts to the customers for their purchase frequency like lower end markets, Kudler has partnered with a loyalty points program to provide customers with points which can be redeemed for high end gift items, airline first-class upgrades, or other specialty foods (Kudler Fine Foods, 2010). Incentive is one of the two frequent shopper programs that Kudler evaluated as a partner for their new program. One of the most impressive features of this system was the software’s ability to create a personalized rewards certificate and provide the customer with a number of rewards choices. We will write a custom essay sample on The Frequent Shopper Program specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Frequent Shopper Program specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Frequent Shopper Program specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Testing Process The testing process that is already in place for the tracking of the cash register accounts, the Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler fine foods combined a couple of great solutions for the tracking system. Just by seeing how the Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler fine foods is combining all their customers’ personal records into just one area. This new software uses this function in a manner that is highly dependable, protected, and convenient. IT staff and any administration that has tasks with the organization must be familiar with the system of this version. This must be confirmed that each every single location is prepared with desktop computers using Windows OS and Internet Explorer with server components written in Java. After this preliminary coding procedure is one hundred percent, Kudler fine foods will perform an exact testing using actual company cards by operating these sales in all three locations. Points awarding will be logged and stored, and the process will be repeated as to establish frequent shoppers during test these phases. Two months of conscientious examination of cash incentives and redeemable store points offered based on test purchases should indicated if the program was a success. Once testing is complete and the numbers add up as intended, installation will be in progress and should only take a certain amount of time with successful tests. Each company will maintain whole documents regarding the system in only certain locations, preferably in computerized and hardcopy layouts. The cashiers will gather all this information, but as the system will be computerized there will not be a need for considerable training. Implementation During any system implementation, there are three features that continuously work in tandem with each other and which must be carefully measured and appraised at various stages of the development. These factors are cost, schedule, and performance for the Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler fine foods. Some of these factors may be worked on while the others may be adaptable. Usually at this same relationship described as cost, schedule, and quality is used instead of performance. If a project team changes any one of these factors, the other two will without doubt be affected as well. The common graphical description of this implementation Is a triangle where each side of the triangle represents one of these factors at each corner? Basically, this means if one corner is missing this wouldn’t form a triangle. Conclusion To conclude our session for the Frequent Shopper Program involved with Kudler Fine Foods, Quality, Testing Process, and Implementation are three major subjects discussed in our organization. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2010). BSA375CourseNotes. pdf. Retrieved March 1, 2010, from http://mycampus. hoenix. edu/secure/resources/resource. asp Apollo Group Inc. (2010). Kudler Fine Foods. Marketing Overview. Retrieved March 1, 2010. BSA/375 – Fundamentals of Business Systems Development. https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Business/Kudler/Sales/KudlerSM001. htm Apollo Group Inc. (2010). Kudler Fine Foods. Information Technology. March 1, 2010. BSA/375 – Fundamentals of Business Systems Development. https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Business/Kudler/IT/KudlerITDatabases001. htm

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Example

Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Example Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay The importance of the health and safety of yourself and individuals in the process of dispensing care cannot be overemphasized. It forms the basis of care provision by creating awareness of potential hazards, how best to prevent or manage these hazards in administering care. The objective of every care rendered should be to maintain or improve life as much as possible and not the opposite, therefore care should be rendered in the safest way possible in the interest of all parties involved bringing into consideration the need of fairness, respect for individual and equality irrespective of our diverse cultures and way of life. In other to make this achievable in the healthcare industry certain governing rules and regulations has been introduced over the years as a minimum level or standard of care acceptable. These legislations were set, constantly reviewed and enforced by the CQC. It is very important that a carer should have these guiding rules at the back of his or her mind before, during and after administering care. CASE STUDY Call 1 Upon my arrival at his home, I clocked in to let my office know that I am with the mentioned client, I washed my hands, dried them and put on my gloves. I exchanged greetings with the client, made sure that the lightening was good and shut the blinds/curtain to give him some sense of privacy, then I looked at his file to find out if there are any changes made to his care needs or risk assessment. I quickly inspected the environment to ensure that there were no hazards to me or the client as I worked towards accomplishing my task for the morning. I took care of the urine bottles by emptying, washing and placing them on the table taking care to avoid spillage even though the toilet was equipped with anti splash accessory next to where the client sits down in the living room to enable him to have easy access to use them during the course of the day. I changed my gloves immediately to avoid cross contamination from the urine waste. I got his water for body wash ready and made it warm just the way he likes it and got his flannels, soap and shaving things ready as well. I normally use two flannels for his wash, one for bottom area and the other for the rest of the body. I also made ready his denture by cleaning them out, after sterilising overnight, with running water at the tap. I asked the client if he is happy to have a shave this morning and got a positive response from him, and then I proceeded to shave him after wetting the shaving area with the shave foam. I then gave him a final cleaning off with the flannel and asked him if he is happy with the shave and got a positive feedback. As soon as I got a positive feedback I proceeded with his wash, started with his face, cleaned out the eye area first because of the sensitivity of the eyes then washed his cheek, ears, mouth, and nose area and dried them with a clean towel. I asked the client again if he is happy or he wants any area repeated and got a positive feed back then I continued by assisting him to get undressed by removing his shirt first, washed his back, wiped it dry then washed his two hands, stomach area and armpit and wiped them dry. As I washed from one part of the body to the other I always dipped the flannel into the water to wash off accumulated dirt to freshen the flannel for further washing. At this stage I put on the client’s shirt to keep him warm and I asked him if he is happy to stand up then I got a positive response from him before I assisted him to stand up by raising the height of the bed and putting his Zimmer frame in front of him for support. I also used my hand to support his lower central back as I prompted him to stand up. On standing up, I asked him if he is stable and if I can now continue with the rest of the wash. On getting a positive response I removed his lower dressing, gave him a wash and dried him thoroughly then I asked him to sit down briefly for me on the bed which I have lined with a clean towel. At this point I washed his legs, dried it, and changed his underpants, put on his trouser halfway and then his shoes. Once again, I asked him if he is happy to get up so that I can complete his dressing, got a positive response, and assisted him as before to stand up, put on his new pad, pulled up his underpants and trousers while he was still standing. He was now fully dressed and ready to walk to the living room to get seated so I asked him if he is happy and ready to walk to the living room and got a positive response. While he walked with the support of the Zimmer frame, I supported him by placing my hand on his lower central back area. When he got to his chair I lowered his recline chair to a comfortable height for him to be able to sit down comfortably and I also repositioned the back rest and supported his back with pillows until he said that he is now seated comfortably. I pushed his utility table close to him, prompted his medication and then took out my gloves, washed my hands and asked him if he is happy and if he has any other thing he wanted me to do for him before I leave. I got a positive response then I made a report of the tasks that I have accomplished in the Daily Care Report book and clocked out to let the office know that I am through with the call before leaving the property secured. Call 2 On this occasion I was to provide care for an elderly client who has a history of diabetics and movement difficulty as noted in his care plan and risk assessment record. Upon arrival I unlocked his key safe, made use of the key to unlock his door and secured his key and code. I then clocked in as usual and went into the living room to look at the clients file when I saw him flat on the floor and looking unconscious however I noticed that he was still breathing. Immediately I took hold of the phone and called 999 for the ambulance (Paramedics). I was assured that they will be there in about 5 to 10 minutes. I quickly called my line manager to inform her of this new development and I continued to reassure the service user that he will be alright and that the Paramedics are on their way coming. I did not move or attempt to move the service user until the arrival of the paramedics. As soon as the Paramedics arrived I briefed them on what had happened and also allowed them access into the clients medical file to enable them administer the right treatment to the service user. After receiving some treatment while on the floor, the service user came around and I assisted the Paramedics to get him off the floor as I was directed by the Paramedics. DEVELOP YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE I have discovered over time as a carer that there is the need for me to make progress in my career as a carer and this can only be achieved by continuous acquisition of relevant knowledge, development of the right skills, training, supervision and feedback on performance all on the job. To take care of my supervision need I do have meetings with my supervisor to discuss my progress on the job and my areas of challenges. These discussions are normally followed by recommendations for training in the areas that I am experiencing difficulty. Also the fact that I receive a certification in those areas of care helps me to be more confident in executing my duty as a carer. It also brings to my understanding why I have to care for a client in a particularly recommended way and on a general note, why I do the things that I do in the way that I do them while caring. In other to take care of my progression in my career, I am supervised while on the job from time to time and also through discussion specific recommendations are made for my training needs. This has been very useful to me and I have attended some trainings such as: 1. Moving and Handling 2. Fire risk, Health and Safety 3. Infection Control 4. Food nutrition 5. Medication These trainings have made my knowledge on the job to improve and since I now know and understand why things are done in a particular way I have gone ahead to improve on my knowledge and method of accomplishing my task. I also make sure I get a feed back from my clients and possibly my supervisor when I apply new methods to improve my service to clients in rendering care, however I always make sure that whatever method I decide to apply that health and safety issues are not compromised and the guiding regulations as stipulated by CQC are also obeyed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Murder of JonBenet Ramsey - Case Study Example Prior to the discovery of the body, the Ramsey's found a ransom note in the basement from â€Å"a foreign faction† demanding $118,000.00 for the safe return of Jon Benet (â€Å"JonBenet Ramsey Would Have Turned 22 Years Old This Week; Murder Case Remains Unsolved†, 2012). This particular piece of information pertaining to the ransom amount was a red flag for the police at the time. The amount was the exact amount that John had just received as a bonus earlier in the year, this coincidence led to the speculation that somehow, the person involved in the crime knew the Ramsey's on a personal level (Stuart, 2012). But without a follow up call on the ransom note, the Ramsey family decided that it would be in the best interest of all concerned to inform their family and friends of the situation while also preparing to follow the instructions for the ransom demand. The police began an intensive search for the child within hours only to have her father inform them that he had f ound the body of the child in the basement. The official cause of death is listed as asphyxiation due to craniocerebral trauma. But a more in-depth look at the autopsy records reveals that the child also suffered from a skull fracture and severe blunt trauma. Evidence gathered at the crime scene included a garrote made from tweed and the broken handle of a paintbrush that is believed to have been used to penetrate the child's vagina. Although there was penetration, the police could not accurately declare if sexual assault was one of the horrors that the child suffered in the hands of her abductors (Montaldo, 2013). Although a majority of the evidence collected by the police indicated that a stranger had caused the death of JonBenet, there were still certain things that led the district attorney to question the abduction theory because of the way the child's body was recovered at home. Somehow, the evidence that the DA was seeing did not add up to an abduction scenario. Rather, the s ights of the police investigating the case, and the media for that matter, then centered on the possibility that one or both parents of JonBenet had caused her death. Although the authorities and media fed the public lines that led those outside of the case to believe that Patsy and John had possibly murdered their daughter in cold blood, the courts saw otherwise. Patsy, who died of cancer in 2006, and John were exonerated by the federal courts in May 2003 due to lack of strong evidence to support the parent murderer theory (Montaldo, 2013). Their total exoneration came as new DNA evidence in the case was presented, proving that traces of DNA not belonging to family members was found on the preserved clothing of JonBenet (Gardner, 2010). With the discovery of new DNA evidence in the case, one can clearly see that, had the police not set upon a trial by publicity on the Ramsey's and concentrated instead on actual police investigation, they would have caught the actual perpetrator(s) in the case. During the course of the first investigation of the case, the police had conducted more than a few blunders that influenced the case and set upon creating a publicity machine using false leaked information to crucify the suffering parents instead. First of all, because Boulder, Colorado was known back then as a relatively peaceful and safe place for its